I just love weekends! The lazy mornings, the smell of fresh coffee, and of course...the brunch! Brunch has to be my favourite meal of the day, so I'm quite sad that it's only really available to me two days of the week. If only I could start my work day later to have time to spend crafting delicious brunches every morning! Years ago I set out to learn a trick for the perfect poached eggs, and I feel confident enough now to share my technique. This method is fairly straightforward and, provided your eggs are quite fresh, should give you a perfect round egg with a nice firm white and delicious gooey yolk. That yolk porn is where it's at!

Serves 2
Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 10 minutes
4 eggs (the fresher the better - older eggs tend to spread out in the water and you lose that lovely round shape.)
1 tbsp white vinegar
4 rashers rindless bacon
Handful of watercress, leaves picked
Rye or sourdough bread, to serve
Salt and pepper to serve (I used a Japanese chili salt blend in the above picture - yum! I get it from a spice shop here in Melbourne called Gewürzhaus)
Half fill two small saucepans with water. You don't want it to be overly deep, or else the egg won't come together as neatly. I usually have about two inches of water in mine.
Add 1/2 tbsp of white vinegar to each of the saucepans and place over high heat. Bring to a boil and then lower the heat until the water is at a 'rolling boil' - the water is agitated around the edges, but not bubbling up in the middle.
Crack an egg into a small bowl.
Using a spoon, swirl the water in the first saucepan in circles to create a whirlpool. While the water is still moving, use the bowl to carefully drop the egg into the centre of the whirlpool. The movement of the water should cause the white to swirl around the yolk, forming the ideal shape. Repeat with the second egg and saucepan.
I tend to leave my eggs cooking for 3-4 minutes. Take a slotted spoon and gently lift the egg from the water. You'll have to use your judgement a bit - if the white still seems really jiggly or the shape completely collapses, pop it back in for another minute. If it looks good, place it on a plate lined with paper towel to drain. Return the water to a rolling boil and repeat with remaining 2 eggs.
While your eggs are poaching away, heat a frying pan over high heat and pan fry your bacon.
Slice your bread and pop it in the toaster. I tend to do this just after I put my second round of eggs in so everything is ready at the same time.
Plate your toast and top with a rasher of bacon, a poached egg and some watercress leaves. Season with salt and pepper and sit back to watch that yolk porn!